About Us
In 2021, I went totally virtual with my psychotherapy private practice, and this enabled me to devote more time developing my dream: the business-centered Solution Focused Coaching Institute. I went to the very best for additional training- the Bob Procter Certification program for life/business coaching. I already had 13 years of management in the field of respiratory care. Because I did extensive teaching in my department and hospital to at least 9 different nationalities, I learned to speak in simple, totally understandable language to the persons in front of me. Building on that experience, my first business was Houston Respiratory Consultants- providing continuing education for medical personnel.
I completed a bachelor’s degree in business management in 2004. Practicing psychotherapy for the last 15 years, I noticed I always took the time to address my clients’ prosperity – young and old. The strategy of my counselling is to help people unravel their issues, then to introduce the possibilities that using their gifts, talents and/or likes can elevate their life. With that vision planted, most move into a life that satisfies and empowers them. I constantly get texts proclaiming new successes in my clients achieve in their lives.
Strangely, these days, the majority of people I meet have never realized or believed that they have gifts and talents… but I guess that what gives us in the transformation industry a job. A common testimony I get frequently is “I never thought of it/never saw it like that”.
My business is a personal and business development company. I provide on-line webinars and seminars sessions for individuals, companies, already established small businesses and businesses that have not yet entered into the market. I provide evaluation of ideas and assessment of capabilities of concepts and skills needed- to develop plans to make opportunities for the client to win. I work on motivation, responsibility, goal design, life- work balance and overall effectiveness of their proposed services. My target audience ranges from teenagers through adults who may or may not have experience with concepts which make people successful. I wish to target diverse clients who are possibly under motivated to go into business for themselves but have expertise and/or desire.